Unicorner Farm
Welcome to Our Farm Deep in the Heart of Texas
God has richly blessed us, and we are happy to share some of our blessings on this website!

Unicorner Farm Tunis Sheep
The first, and most striking thing you will notice about Tunis sheep is the beautiful red color set on an attractive sheep with long pendulous ears and a calm disposition. Within this medium-sized package is found a very productive sheep. Tunis are very feed efficient, requiring less feed than larger breeds to produce marketable lambs at the same weights within similar timeframes. The ewes are excellent mothers who have a high rate of twinning, are heavy milkers, are productive for much of their long lives, and are easily handled with very docile temperaments. The Tunis lambs are vigorous at birth and are warmed by a double coat of red fibers.
We (Bob and Debbi Brown) met while riding horses way back in 1972 so if possible we will always have some sort of equines on the farm. We showed dogs and cats for many years, and Debbi is an allbreed licensed TICA cat judge. We moved to the country and Unicorner Farm became a producer of a small amount of quality miniature horses from 1995 until 2012 finally phasing out that chapter in 2019.
We added Tunis sheep to the farm in 2007 and are thoroughly enjoying them. Since then we have added a donkey as a guardian. And we also raise exhibition Serama chickens, Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons, Guineas, Call ducks, Geese and Peafowl and have a website devoted to our flock at BossieBiddies.com.
Debbi was elected Region 8 Director in the National Tunis Sheep Registry in 2019 and looks forward to promoting sheep in the Western U.S. and Canada.
For more information about Tunis click here.
Bossie Biddies at Unicorner Farm – Producing Premium Poultry
We currently raise :
- Seramas
- Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons
- Guineas
- Call Ducks
- Geese
- Peafowl